
World Arthritis Day (WAD) a global awareness day held every year.

12th October is World Arthritis Day (WAD) a global awareness day held every year.

WAD aims to help raise awareness in all audiences across the world of the existence and impact of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, often referred to as RMDs.

The debilitating effects of these diseases, of which more than 200 exist, are little known; their impact, however, is largely – and silently – felt.

On behalf over 6000 children living with JA in Australia , JAFA has issued a Media Release to raise awareness and for action to be taken.

Link to Media Release : Thousands of Australian children living with chronic pain unable to access proper care.

Channel 7 ran a piece nationally which you can view here : Young Arthritis patients in pain as COVID treatments cause drug shortage | 7NEWS

JAFA has been listed as a finalist by the Third Sector Awards judges in the category of Emerging Not-For-Profit of the Year and now it’s open to a public vote to determine who wins. Winning this prestigious award would greatly assist JAFA’s fundraising and political lobbying and awareness efforts to improve the lives of children and young people with Arthritis. You can help by voting for the Juvenile Arthritis Foundation Australia (JAFA) at: https://thirdsectorawards.com.au/project/2021-emerging-nfp-of-the-
