JAFA runs a regular educational online symposia series on Critical Issues in juvenile arthritis, to help parents, older children and young people navigate the health system and keep up with new developments in the management of juvenile arthritis.
Leading paediatric rheumatologists, nurses, physios and other professionals share their knowledge and expertise on advances in treatment, services, health policy and research. Each symposium features a popular 30 minute Q&A with an Expert Panel of speakers.
See videos of previous symposia and information about the upcoming symposia below.
JIA’s Got Talent: Celebrating our young people
This video of JAFA’s last online Symposium for 2024 highlights the inspiring determination and resilience of young people with JIA and CRDs. Prefaced by a presentation from paediatric rheumatologist and sports doctor, Dr Damien McKay, it features stories and insights of a champion skier; an actor, singer, songwriter; a cellist; a mountain bike champion; and an artist and finalist in the 2024 Young Archies.
Transition: Through School Years to Adulthood
Leading clinicians and a psychologist dispel misconceptions about JIA and CRDs in adulthood and provide insights and advice on negotiating the education system from starting school through moving up to high school and entering the workforce or further education and training.
Understanding Autoimmune Disease: Medical Management and Practical Tips
Leading specialists, A/Prof Jane Munro from Melbourne, Dr. Jeff Chaitow from Sydney, Dr. Tim Beukelman from Adelaide, clinical Nurse Consultant, Julie Jones from Melbourne, shared their expert knowledge and insights on paediatric rheumatology. In this new video, they discuss the nature, disease process, and treatment of autoimmunity in JIA and related CRDs including medication pros and cons and practical home management of medication taking and side effects.
New and Emerging Australian Research and Consumer Led Research Priorities
Hear Professor Davinder Singh Grewal’s latest in Paediatric Rheumatology. Professor Natasha Nassar shares JAFA’s survey results on JIA’s impact. Professor Catherine Hill discusses transitioning from Children’s to Adult Services. Professor Stephen Colagiuri updates on the Australian Juvenile Arthritis Registry (AJAR).
The Future of Paediatric Rheumatology in Australia
In JAFA’s 9th Online Symposium on The Future of Paediatric Rheumatology, Dr Ben Whitehead and Dr Pavla Walsh talk about new and emerging medications and standards of care, and what to expect in pain management in the future. They are joined by Australia’s younger generation of paediatric rheumatologists who share their thoughts on the future of treatment and care of JIA and CRDs.
Flares, Scares, Side Effects & When to Get Help
JAFA’s 8th Online Symposium addressed the all-important topic of ensuring optimal and timely medical and home management of acute episodes and intercurrent illness that may arise unexpectedly in children with juvenile arthritis.
Accessing Benefits for children with juvenile arthritis – The NDIS and Beyond
JAFA’s latest symposium explores the complex maze of benefits that are potentially available to help meet the increased need for social and health related services in families who have a child with juvenile arthritis with serious physical or other challenges.
Minding Mental Health in children with juvenile arthritis
This JAFA online symposium shines a light on the link between chronic childhood conditions and mental ill health. Expert speakers outline what is known about the nature and extent of the problem and focus on emerging approaches for reducing the impact of these diseases
on the child and family.
Evidence from current and emerging Australian and International research into juvenile arthritis
This symposium focusses on the evidence from current and emerging Australian and International research. Top Australian paediatric rheumatology and academic researchers provided updates on
their work including clinical outcomes for Juvenile Arthritis; living guidelines for JIA; health service utilisation and how much exercise is too much or not enough.
Current and Emerging Medications: the Pros and Cons for Patients, Clinicians and the PBS
In this symposium the pros and cons of current and emerging medications for children with juvenile arthritis. Australian paediatric rheumatologists explore the A to Z of available and emerging medicines for Juvenile Arthritis and the role of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).
Transition to Adulthood for Young People with Arthritis
Australian paediatric rheumatologists discuss services and expectations for young people entering adulthood. The symposium also provides an update on COVID vaccines, treatment and outcomes.
Uveitis & Pain Management
Held on the eve of World Arthritis Day, this symposium features talks by leading Australian paediatric rheumatologists, a senior ophthalmology specialist in Uveitis, and a highly experienced physiotherapist.
Juvenile Arthritis – Treatment, Research, COVID-19 & Beyond
Four of Australia’s leading paediatric rheumatologists speak on topical issues in treatment research, and current thinking about the impact of COVID-19 on children with Juvenile Arthritis.