National Cost of Illness Study
Australian Juvenile Arthritis Registry (AJAR)

What is it?
What is it?
JAFA’s Cost of Illness study is Australia’s first comprehensive national survey of the financial impact of juvenile arthritis (JIA) or other childhood rheumatic disease (CRD) on:
- Families and individuals
- The health system
- Quality of life
AJAR will build a long-term repository of essential data children and young people with juvenile arthritis (JIA) or other childhood rheumatic diseases (CRDs).
Why is it important?
Why is it important?
This landmark study will deliver evidence about the economic burden of these diseases in Australia. The results will be used by JAFA to lobby governments for better, more accessible services for JIA and CRDs.
Australia does not have a registry for JIA and other CRDs. That means we don’t know how many children and young people have these diseases or what happens to them.
AJAR will collect basic information about JIA and CRDs to support and inform health policy and advocacy, future service delivery and research into finding better treatments and, ultimately, a cure.
Who should participate?
Who should participate?
The survey will cover 0-25yr olds.
The registry will cover 0-25yr olds.
Who will know if I participate?
Who will know if I participate?
No-one – the survey is anonymous ie your data is de-identified as soon as it enters the secure COI study database.
Only essential AJAR and A3BC study team members will know if you have participated.
How long will it take?
How long will it take?
30 minutes.
5-10 minutes.